

Activities Management and Programming (AMP)

Activities Management and Programming (AMP) is a fast-paced, student-centered organization that is always offering something new and exciting. We plan and implement fun, free 事件 for everyone to enjoy while at Cap. 我们的办公室在学生会的地下室,在威尼斯人平台邮局对面. We are always looking for members to help us plan and implement 事件 on campus. 如果您有任何活动的想法或想帮助我们策划活动,请来参加AMP会议! Meetings are every Monday at 9:30 pm.


非洲学生会的主要目标是团结威尼斯人平台校园里的所有非洲裔学生. This unity helps promote and maintain 非洲n culture on campus. The organization is open to students of all descent. 亚利桑那州立大学的目标是强调、教育和欣赏非洲大陆的文化. ASU will be sharing their cultural experience through their 教育, 活动, 社区参与. 非洲, as a continent represents different countries and each country, is very different in terms of culture. 亚利桑那州立大学认识到这些差异,并致力于弥合来自非洲各国学生之间的差距,以扩大我们的视野.


BridgeUSA is a multipartisan student movement that champions viewpoint diversity, 负责任的话语, and a solution-oriented political culture. 我们正在培养一代重视同理心和建设性参与的领导人,因为我们这一代人将在未来几年承担两极分化和部落主义的代价.

我们认为,两极分化正在损害我们的国家,并导致年轻人要么脱离民主,要么激进地融入党派模式. 因为年轻人是我们国家的未来,所以如果下一代人不参与并两极分化,民主就会处于危险之中.


我们超越派对. We do not force unity or compromise. We believe in the Bridge Mindset- viewpoint diversity, 建设性的接触, and a solution-oriented political culture


CapaThon是一个学生组织,与全国儿童医院和儿童奇迹网络合作举办舞蹈马拉松. 该组织将在学年期间举办许多不同的筹款活动和为期一天的舞蹈马拉松. 所有筹集的资金将用于全国儿童医院血液学和肿瘤学部门的孩子们.


国际K圈是一个通过各种服务项目来帮助社区的服务组织. It is part of an umbrella of organizations led by Kiwanis International. K圈国际也致力于在会员内部建立联谊和培养领袖.


The purpose of this club shall be:

  1. To educate the student body on on-going political issues, 选民教育, 保守的意识形态.
  2. 提倡保守的价值观, including individual self-determination, the preservation of American Institutions, 以及有限政府.
  3. Help in advancing the conservative movement and bettering the communities around us.

的 was founded in 1917 on the values of justice, 姐妹关系, and love at the New York University School of 法律. 这是一个日复一日地在我们的日常生活中维护这些价值观的组织. DPhiE热衷于我们每学期举办的活动,以筹集资金和意识囊性纤维化基金会(CFF), the Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), and the 的 教育 Foundation, 我们的三大慈善事业. This sorority believes in bonding through our similarities, while teaching and learning through not only accepting our differences, 但是庆祝他们. We believe in diversity and inclusion, 最重要的是,每个姐妹都要拥抱自己的独特性,在校园找到一个家. 我们自己养活自己, 彼此, 我们的社区通过加强姐妹情谊和提供终身支持. This is a life-long 姐妹关系 where anyone can find the love they deserve!


Sigma是一个专业的商业兄弟会,对所有商业专业的学生开放! As a unit, our brothers work together to build our professional and social careers. We strive to give back to the community, 建立我们的网络, 在与我们的同胞兄弟建立良好关系的同时,把我们自己提升为正直的商业专业人士. 该组织是国际公认的该类别中最负盛名的组织之一.


乌木兄弟会协会, otherwise known as EBA, is an Office of Diversity & Inclusion affiliated organization. EBA's mission is to support and enhance a positive image of Black men & 威尼斯人平台的女性. Many know 威尼斯人平台 is a predominately white institution. 因此, EBA被设计成一个骄傲和可见的地方,代表那些在资本中最未被充分代表的人. The members of EBA work to fulfill its mission through different programming each year. 我们的计划强调我们的成员和社区的整体福祉-通过社区外展, 心理健康意识, and ally-ship with various campus community members. Many of our 事件 are 教育al, covering various cultural and socioeconomic issues, yet are enjoyable and memorable for our Black community.

There is a common misconception that EBA is exclusively for members of Black men only. This couldn't be further from the truth. 我们认为,对我们校园社区的所有成员来说,成为一个安全和欢迎的组织是至关重要的,这有助于我们维护我们伟大组织的使命和价值观.


The 跨宗教学生组织 (ISO) seeks to uplift students’ non-faith, religious and spiritual traditions, especially those who are otherwise without representation on campus, by integrating spirituality with academic life while promoting relationships, 和平, and understanding of all faith and spirituality traditions.


The 校友会主席 of 威尼斯人平台 promotes closer working relationships, encourages among the member fraternities the ideals of self-governance, 教育, 和团结, and upholds the values of 威尼斯人平台 and the Greek community at-large.


Founded in 1869 at the University of Virginia, 出位 is the largest social fraternity in the world. We stand by our four pillars: Fellowship, 领导, Scholarship, and Service. The Tau Mu chapter of 出位 was chartered in the spring of 2015. 每年, our chapter participates in the 出位 Military Heroes Campaign, as well as host several formal 事件. 卡帕西格玛兄弟会将改善你的大学经历,并为你打开机会的大门, unlike and any other organization.  

Phi Kappa Psi

Phi Kappa Psi的俄亥俄- xi分会是2010年在威尼斯人平台成立的社会兄弟会! 该组织的目标是通过服务他人的巨大乐趣来帮助更好的人,并帮助他们为未来的职业世界做好准备. 


前健康协会旨在为对医疗保健领域感兴趣的个人提供一个支持性社区, 包括但不限于通过对话学习学前健康专业的学生, 事件, 资源与机会. 

We are a space of growth and support for all students interested in the healthcare field!


威尼斯人平台的后备军官训练团(ROTC)是一个旨在培养领导技能的动态项目, 军事知识, 身体健康. Our ROTC cadets balance rigorous academic studies with military training, preparing for rewarding careers as commissioned officers in the U.S. 武装部队.

α Iota

α Iota是一个致力于鼓励的国际专业音乐兄弟会, 培养, 支持音乐艺术. The goal of SAI is to stand for the highest musical scholarship, for nobility and uprightness of character, 以及在音乐职业中维持女性和性别不一致的音乐家之间友好无私的关系. 任何认为自己是女性或性别不一致的人,只要有一门音乐学分(不是音乐专业的要求),我们都欢迎.



Student Athlete Advisory Committee

Student Athlete Advisory Committee or SAAC, 是威尼斯人平台的一个组织,专注于学生运动员的福祉和首都体育的推广. SAAC是一个NCAA支持的组织,旨在为所有决定参加校园体育运动的学生创造一个成功的环境. Participation in a Varsity Sport at 威尼斯人平台 is required for membership, but promotional 事件 are open to all students. Recognizable 事件 and promotions from SAAC include, 一年一度的躲避球锦标赛, Pop Tab Collection for Central Ohio Ronald McDonald House, 和比赛日衬衫. If interested in joining or learning more about what SAAC has to offer, follow us on social media or contact our organization President!